The new look is designed to accurately reflect AWW’s strengths and personality: our practice is renowned for forming supporting partnerships and for excellence in collaboration.

Collaboration is visually represented within the refreshed logo as two supporting ‘pillars’ making up the letter A, describing an equal balance and a shared process.

AWW brand rationale two pillars forming an "A"

The website has a simple design, pared down portfolio and focuses on content that tells a human story.

We worked with branding agency Big Fan who led the brand evolution, while architectural web developers Ten4 created the new website and architectural copywriter Architypal devised a fresh and approachable tone of voice.

We are people focused and the whole practice was involved in the process. “We adapt quickly to change and found through lockdown that we’ve become stronger collaborators because of it,” says Mark Alker Stone.

We worked with branding agency Big Fan who led the brand evolution, while architectural web developers Ten4 created the new website and architectural copywriter Architypal devised a fresh and approachable tone of voice.

We are people focused and the whole practice was involved in the process.

AWW brand colour formula guide