Combining the best of the old and the new

The Farmiloe

Location London
Client Standard Life Investments Limited
Awards Conserving - New London Architecture Awards 2020 shortlisted/ Office Agents Society City Deal of the Year 2019 winner

A brief history

The Farmiloe is a Clerkenwell landmark, once home to lead and glass merchants George Farmiloe & Sons. An exemplar of the finest Victorian architecture, completed in 1868 by Browne & Robinson, the Farmiloe consists of two warehouse buildings linked by the original glazed atrium.


Over the years, artist and film makers have all been inspired by the building. Our vision was to bring the Farmiloe back into modern day use for a new generation to enjoy as an exemplary workplace.

Design delivery

The project sought to retain the Farmiloe’s beautiful character whilst interlinking a new building to sit alongside as an equal whole with a design philosophy of its own. The Farmiloe retains the original Victorian warehouse, office suite and front of house entrance.

The new and the old are connected by the stunning atrium which runs the full length of the site. Interconnecting bridges enable the building to interact as a whole, with the existing robust brickwork sitting harmoniously alongside the raw exposed concrete.


The 100,000sqft development is highly sustainable. It can operate as naturally ventilated or through the sensitively integrated ventilation and cooling system which moderates the temperature of the building throughout the day.

User experience

The centrepiece of the building is the incredible existing Victorian atrium, with a new glazed roof but retained structure. This brings light and joy right into the centre of the building: it’s where all the spaces meet, connect and provide a heart to the development.


Wherever you are in the development, there is a sense of interconnectivity: a real social environment and a sense of community.

Looking to the future

The Farmiloe brings together the best of the old and the best of the new to create a truly modern workplace environment. It is a development both for the heart and for the head.

The heart

At the centre of the Farmiloe sits the original Victorian atrium. Sensitive restoration of the historic fabric -coupled with carefully considered new interventions - has preserved the character of the original for future generations.


The elegant Victorian façade of the Farmiloe is completely restored and enhanced to achieve modern building standards, providing a new lease of life for the historic fabric.

This has been the most delightful project. It has been a pleasure to be part of the regeneration and rebirth of such a beautiful, preserved site and design icon. We have delivered a holistic development that not only brings to the fore the intrinsic and raw beauty of the original Farmiloe building, but also provides a new extension to create a truly sustainable and dynamic workplace."

Jamie Furse, Project Director

New and old in harmony

The new building alongside the original provided an excellent insulator to the existing building, reducing its exposed envelope by over 40%.

Concept diagram

The design solution creates a respectful relationship with neighbouring buildings as well as ensuring a good level of daylight within interior spaces .

Mixed mode, low energy, strategy

Air is transported via the concrete slab in the new building, allowing night-time purge cooling of both the occupied spaces and the substantial thermal mass of the building.